Foreigners obtain Italian citizenship on the basis of descent, birth, naturalization, marriage or restoration. Applicants from abroad must meet a number of requirements according to the law and fulfill a condition regarding the period of legal stay in the country. The state’s migration policy severely limits the options for illegal residence of foreigners, but creates transparent and accessible opportunities for moving and obtaining an Italian passport within the framework of the law. The procedure for granting status is regulated by regulation 91/1992.

Benefits of an Italian passport
- long-term residence in any EU country upon registration;
- employment and opening a business in the Italian and pan-European markets without obtaining activity permits;
- use of the maximum range of banking services with favorable rates for various types of lending;
- travel without visas to 173 countries of the world;
- obtaining education at universities in Italy and other EU countries free of charge or with benefits;
- holding positions in state institutions;
- access to social assistance (payments for pensioners, unemployment benefits, for children);
- participation in the political life of the country, including voting in elections and standing as a candidate.
What is needed to obtain Italian citizenship status?
To become an Italian citizen, the applicant undertakes to fulfill the following conditions:
- live in the country for the period of time specified by law (10 years under the general procedure) on a legal basis;
- not to be judged;
- confirm knowledge of the Italian language at a level not lower than B1;
- have a stable income that covers the needs of the applicant and his family;
- not pose a threat to the security of the Italian Republic.
With the support of migration lawyers, the process of obtaining citizenship is much simpler.
Legal ways to obtain an Italian passport
When choosing the method and basis for obtaining Italian citizenship, the applicant must evaluate his life situation, for example, whether he has relevant experience for employment in an Italian company or family ties with native residents. The main ways to obtain Italian citizenship in 2023 are presented below.
Individuals who can acquire the status of Italian citizen by default are:
- were born from two or at least one Italian parent;
- were adopted as minors by citizens of the country;
- were born on the territory of the republic from stateless persons, of unknown origin or foreigners, if in the state of their origin the children cannot inherit status by law;
- born out of wedlock but recognized as a minor by an Italian parent.
An illegitimate child recognized as a citizen of the republic after reaching the age of 18 can retain his status or renounce it. The person is given a year to think about it, during which time they can apply to choose an Italian passport.
Foreigners or stateless persons (stateless persons) whose parents or other second-degree ancestors were Italian citizens by birth can restore their affiliation with the state. The following conditions must be met:
- serve in the Italian armed forces and identify in advance a desire to become part of the nation;
- live in the country after reaching the age of majority for at least two years and submit an application within a year after turning 18 years old about the desire to obtain citizenship.
If a foreigner was born and lived legally in Italy before his 18th birthday, he can request status up to one year after that date.
The following persons have the right to obtain Italian citizenship:
- who were previously citizens of the republic and lived in the territories transferred to the former Yugoslavia as a result of the peace treaty of February 10, 1947;
- who are descendants of the persons mentioned in the first paragraph, who know the Italian language and adhere to cultural values.
Applicants who meet the specified criteria can restore their affiliation with the state by submitting a corresponding request to the municipal authorities of Italy or a consular office from abroad. It is required to confirm with birth certificates, historical certification the fact of your residence or your ancestors in the territories specified in the law, as well as provide evidence of language proficiency.
Persons who have entered into a marriage with an Italian citizen can apply for legal status faster than naturalized foreigners. When living on the territory of the republic, it is possible to obtain Italian citizenship 2 years after marriage. If the couple is permanently abroad, then 3 years must pass from the date of marriage to apply for a passport. At the time of requesting status and the consideration of the case, the spouses are obliged to maintain the union. If a couple has children together, then the above deadlines for obtaining the right to citizenship are halved. The citizen’s partner is not required to confirm receipt of income as part of the procedure, but must demonstrate language proficiency at level B1.
Foreigners living in the state for a long time, who have the legal status of resident and are gradually integrated into society, undergo a naturalization procedure and can apply for Italian citizenship. The required period of legal residence before the passport request stage is 10 years. It is required to legally cross the border of the republic and, on one of the grounds established by law, request a residence permit, extending the status to the stage of obtaining permanent residence. By maintaining the legality of your stay for the specified period, learning the language and complying with local laws, it becomes possible to apply for Italian citizenship. If the applicant entered the country on the basis of seeking asylum and received protection, then he has the right to apply for a passport 5 years after assignment of status. Minor children living with a naturalizing parent also simultaneously receive Italian citizenship, but upon reaching 18 years of age they have the right to renounce it.
How to obtain Italian citizenship
The main stages of naturalization in Italy for a foreigner include opening a visa and obtaining a residence permit, extending the status while maintaining the conditions that led to its issuance, obtaining permanent residence and staying in the state as a permanent resident for another 5 years. After this, you can initiate the procedure for obtaining citizenship – collect documents, submit a dossier and, upon a positive decision, request a passport.
Applying for a visa and residence permit
To obtain the right to cross the border of Italy and subsequently request a residence permit, a type D visa is required. The request is submitted to the diplomatic mission of the country from abroad, indicating the basis on which the person plans to remain in the state. Within 8 days after entering the republic, a foreigner must obtain a residence permit by filling out an application at the post office. After the request is delivered to the Main Police Department, the person is sent a letter setting a date for a visit to the authority. Depending on the purpose of stay, the applicant receives a resident card for a different period, but with the right to extension. After 5 years of living in the country as a resident, permanent residence becomes available to a foreigner. Subject to compliance with the general period of naturalization specified in the law and other requirements, a person can prepare to acquire citizenship.
Passing the test
Persons who apply for Italian citizenship are obliged to demonstrate knowledge of the national language at level B1. Proficiency in Italian is not tested at the interview – before registering an application, the applicant must have proof that he has mastered the language and attach the document to the dossier. You can prove your knowledge of Italian by:
- a diploma issued by a private or public educational institution recognized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI);
- certificate issued by a special body approved by MAECI.
Individuals who have signed an integration agreement, are long-term residents of the EU, or have received higher education at local universities are exempt from the need to confirm their language proficiency.
Collection and preparation of documents
An applicant who requests citizenship as part of the naturalization procedure should prepare a dossier that includes:
- excise stamp worth 16 EUR;
- identification document (passport, residence permit);
- taxpayer identification code;
- receipt of payment of the fee;
- birth certificate (for women who changed their last name after marriage, confirmation of this fact is also required);
- a certificate of good conduct issued by government agencies of the country of origin or residence;
- a certificate confirming knowledge of the Italian language;
- evidence of income received by the applicant over the last three years;
- confirmation of continuous residence in Italy for the period established by law.
Documents issued by foreign government authorities must be translated into Italian and legalized.
Applying for citizenship
The application for citizenship is reviewed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You must register on the official website of the authority, fill out the form electronically and attach previously prepared documents. Upon submission of a request, the case is assigned a number with which you can check the status during its processing. After registering on the site, you can also receive notifications from the prefecture regarding the acceptance of your application or violations in the submitted dossier. If additional questions arise, in particular regarding verification of an application for citizenship, you must contact the authorized body electronically through the website. According to Article 9 of the Law “On Citizenship”, the authorized body must process the request within 2 years with the right to extend the period up to 36 months. Upon assignment of status to a person, a decree is issued, which receives legal force after the applicant takes the oath. The ceremony must be completed within 6 months of the order, which completes the process of acquiring citizenship.
Terms and cost of obtaining Italian citizenship
A request for a residence permit in Italy is considered up to 20 days, and the validity period of a resident card depends on the basis, but is usually one year. The document is extended for a period that can be maximum twice as long as the period of validity of the previous residence permit. Over the course of 5 years of temporary residence, you will need to extend your status several times in order to obtain permanent permanent residence. The total period for acquiring Italian citizenship exceeds 10 years – an additional 24-36 months must be added to the naturalization period, which are allocated to the authorized body to make a decision on the application.
Obtaining citizenship costs 250 EUR – this is the official fee for accepting and processing the request. Additionally, you should take into account the costs of preparing documents with translations, legalization, and, if necessary, paying for the services of migration specialists. When naturalizing, a foreigner is also subject to fees for obtaining permits, for example, a type D visa – 116 EUR, a residence permit – from 70.46 to 80.46 depending on the basis, as well as living expenses.
Italian citizen passport: how to get it after obtaining citizenship
Citizens of the republic are issued two identity cards – an internal Italian passport in the form of a plastic card with a photo and digitized personal data, as well as a foreign one. The document for traveling abroad is presented in a 48-page book format and looks standard for an EU member state – it has a burgundy cover and a design typical for the countries of the union.
An ID card can be obtained from the municipality at your place of residence. It is required to prepare a passport photo in paper or electronic form, a tax number, a health card and a current identification document. The price of the procedure is 16.79 EUR, but there may be additional fees. For adults, an ID card is issued for 10 years, for persons aged 3 to 18 years – 5 years, for children under 3 years – 3 years. It takes about 6 days to prepare the document and then deliver it to the applicant’s address.
A foreign passport is issued by the Main Police Department, in connection with which the applicant should contact the local questura; you can pre-book a visit on the official website of the authority. The document request dossier includes a completed application, a valid ID, 2 photographs taken according to ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) standards, a receipt for payment of a fee of EUR 42.50 and an administration stamp worth EUR 73.50. The Police Department operates in conjunction with Poste Italiane and offers a service for delivering completed documents to your home address for an additional fee of 9.05 EUR. The issuance period usually takes 15–30 days, depending on the number of additional checks.
Dual Italian citizenship: is it possible to get a second passport?
In Italy, it is not prohibited to hold two ID cards, but it is worth distinguishing between the concepts of dual and second citizenship. Dual status implies that an agreement has been signed between the respective states on the mutual recognition of the rights and obligations of their citizens. This approach is rarely practiced by countries, therefore, in the case of a migrant acquiring Italian citizenship, we are talking about obtaining a second status. In this case, a person in each state is recognized only as a citizen, but can own two passports and use them at his own discretion – for example, to travel to visa-free countries or settle in one of them for permanent residence.
Refusal and deprivation of Italian citizenship
Reasons for refusing an application for Italian citizenship may be:
- submission of an incomplete package of documents or failure to comply with the standards for its execution;
- provision of false, incomplete information about the identity of the applicant, which is of fundamental importance for making a decision on the application;
- non-compliance with one of the conditions for assigning status;
- presence of suspicions about a possible threat from the applicant.
Italian citizenship granted to a person of foreign origin may be revoked if the applicant is ultimately convicted of a criminal offence. Cancellation of legal status is implemented within 3 years. A passport can also be revoked if a person takes a job with government agencies in another country without appropriate notification to the Italian authorities.
To avoid refusal to issue a passport, you should study the requirements and follow them when preparing your dossier and going through the procedure. Illegal stay threatens a foreigner with an entry ban, expulsion or deportation, and becomes an obstacle to naturalization, so it is worth renewing permits on time. Once you receive your status, it is important to follow the laws to maintain your passport.