Motorways in Estonia
The length of the Estonian public road network is 58,412 km. Of these, with a hard surface – 10,427 km.
Toll roads
There are no tolls in Estonia.
Parking in Estonia
Parking in the center of major cities is paid. Payment for parking is carried out with a special parking card (parking meter), which can be purchased at shops, kiosks and parking workers.
Somewhere there are parking meters. The allowed parking time is indicated on the ticket issued by the machine.
In Tallinn, you can pay for parking using parking tickets, which are sold at a price of 0.26, 0.51, 1.15 and 2.30 euros. The parking start time must be marked (scratched) on the ticket in the following fields: year, month, day, hours, minutes. The specified parking ticket must be attached to the windshield of the vehicle.
Unless otherwise stated, parking is chargeable on weekdays from 7:00 to 19:00 and on Saturdays from 8:00 to 15:00. Parking is free on Sundays and public holidays. The cost of parking is 1-2 euros per hour.
Incorrectly parked vehicles can be towed away, and violations are punishable by a fine of up to 70 euros.
Parking in Tallinn
It is recommended to either use the parking meter with two hands or write down the time on paper.
A parking meter with start time parking should be installed under the windshield of the vehicle so that it can be easily read from the outside.
When setting the start time of parking on a parking meter with two hands, it is necessary to be guided by the principles of a mechanical watch, that is, when reading the time, the position of both hands is taken into account.
Public unguarded paid car parks in Tallinn are divided into several zones and from January 1, 2016 the following tariffs apply:
parking space | One minute parking | Paid parking times |
VANALINN (old town) | 0.10 euros (6 euros per hour) | from Monday to Sunday around the clock |
SOUTH ALINN (city center) | 0.08 euros (4.80 euros per hour) | from Monday to Sunday around the clock |
CENTER | 0.025 euros (1.50 euros per hour) | Weekdays from 7:00 to 19:00 and Saturdays from 8:00 to 15:00 . Free on Sunday and public holidays. |
PIRITA | 0.01 euros (0.60 euros per hour) | from May 15 to September 15, from Monday to Sunday from 10:00 to 22:00 |
Motorcycles can be parked in the paid area of Tallinn free of charge.
Parking in the old town is prohibited (the norm came into force on December 15, 2013):
- during the summer period from April 1 to November 14 on Saturdays from the north until 6 am in zone I and on Sunday from the north until 6 am in zone II;
- In winter, from November 15 to March 31 on even days from 00.00 to 6.00 in zone I and on odd days from 00.00 to 6.00 in zone II.
If the parking fee is not paid or the paid parking time is exceeded, the valet makes a decision on the “overtime parking fee”. The amount of the overdue payment is 31 euros. If the parking fee is paid at a lower rate, late payment will be 15 euros.
To pick up a car with license plate number o123oo178 in the Kesklinn parking area in Tallinn park , send an SMS with the following content: o123oo178 Kesklinn.
In order to complete the parking of a car with registration number o123oo178 , regardless of the parking zone , you must send an SMS with the following content: STOP o123oo178.
More information can be found on the Kartplata website.
Road map of Estonia

Basic rules of the road in Estonia
Speed limit
Standard speed limits in Estonia (unless otherwise noted on signs). Cars and motorcycles:
- in the village – 50 km / h
- outside the village – 90 km / h
- on the way – 110 km / h
Vehicles with trailers:
- in the village – 50 km / h
- outside the village – 90 km / h
- on the way – 90 km / h
The maximum speed in a residential area is 20 km/h.
The maximum speed for passenger cars on the roads of European countries is valid.
The maximum allowable blood alcohol level is 0.2‰ .
If the blood alcohol level is between 0.2 and 0.49, the fine is 400 euros and a withdrawal for up to 6 months.
If the blood alcohol level is between 0.5‰ and 1.49‰, the fine is 1,200 euros and the seizure is up to 12 months.
Legal blood alcohol levels while driving in Europe.
dipped beam
Proximity light is needed around the clock all year round.
During daylight hours, daytime running lights can be switched on instead of dipped beam. Daytime running lights can be turned on without turning on the parking lights and license plate lights.
Fog lights can be used while driving in conjunction with headlights in conditions of poor visibility due to fog or rain.
The fine is up to 200 euros.
In which European countries is the use of dipped beam during the day mandatory?
Transportation of children
It is forbidden to transport children under three years old in one place without seat belts. A child can only be transported in the front seat if it is properly secured in the seat belt or seat.
If the child is not tall enough to be properly seated with a seat belt, a seat appropriate for the child’s age and weight must be used when transporting the child in a vehicle equipped with seat belts.
Rear-facing equipment must not be used to transport children in seated positions equipped with ready-made front airbags.
If the installation of a center restraint is not possible when transporting children in the back seat of a car due to two child restraint systems installed, at least the pelvic part of an adult’s seat belt must be used to secure a child restrained in the rear seat. has three years in the middle seat achieved.
It is forbidden to transport children under 12 years old in the back seat of mopeds and motorcycles.
The fine is up to 400 euros.
Requirements for the transportation of children in passenger vehicles on the roads of European countries.
Seat belts
The use of seat belts is mandatory for the driver, front passenger and rear seat passengers.
While riding motorcycles and mopeds, drivers and passengers must wear a button-down motorcycle helmet.
The fine is 200 euros.
Make a phone call while driving in Estonia
Do not use the phone while the vehicle is moving without an assistive device that allows hands-free use, and do not hold the phone in your hands while the vehicle is moving.
The fine is 16 euros.
Fines for phone calls while driving in Europe.
tinted windows
The windshield must be at least 75% clear, except for DOT-marked glass or vehicles manufactured before 1985, where the glass must be at least 70% clear.
The transparency of the side windows must be at least 70%, regardless of the year of manufacture of the car.
Fines in Estonia
Police officers can impose fines at the scene of the offense.
Fines for some traffic violations in Estonia:
violation | fine (EUR) |
Departure at an intersection or pedestrian crossing with a prohibited traffic light | 200 Euro |
Violation of the rules of passage at railway crossings | 400 euros |
Obstructing the use of a warning lane | 400 euros |
Violation of the rules of overtaking | 400 euros |
Traffic in the opposite lane | 400 euros |
Driving a vehicle with unrecognized license plates | 40 € |
Driving at traffic light sign | 200 Euro |
Do not pass a pedestrian at an unregulated intersection | 200 Euro |
Ignoring the signal to stop the car | 800 euros |
In the event of a repeated violation, fines for some violations can be many times higher. Fines for speeding in Estonia:
About speed | fine (EUR) |
up to 20 km / h | 120 euros |
from 21 km / h to 40 km / h | 400 euros |
from 41 km / h to 60 km / h | 800 euros |
over 60 km/h | 1200 euros |
The court or the body conducting out-of-court proceedings may demand deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of 1 to 12 months as an additional penalty.
Useful information
Unleaded petrol (95 and 98) and diesel fuel are available in Estonia. Gas filling stations (LPG) are available.
border crossing
The procedure for crossing the border of the Republic of Estonia is as follows:
- After passing the barrier at the entrance to the checkpoint, go to the required corridor (red or green), depending on the availability of things to be declared.
- When you arrive at the checkpoint, turn off the engine and wait for the customs officer to inspect the car.
- After checking, everyone with passports goes to the passport control window and receives a stamp in their passport stating that they have crossed the border. In addition to the passport, the driver must also present a vehicle registration certificate and green card insurance.
Map of international checkpoints across the border of the Republic of Estonia.
Estonian emergency numbers
- European emergency number – 112
- Police – 110
- Ambulance – 112
- Technical assistance in case of breakdown – 118
Required Equipment
Equipment you must have in your vehicle:
- warning triangle
- First aid kit – only for legal entities
- Fire extinguisher
- Two wheel stops
Requirements for equipment that must be present in a car in different European countries.
Winter equipment
Winter tires
The use of winter tires in Estonia is mandatory from 1 December to 1 March for vehicles with a total weight of up to 3.5 tons. These conditions are subject to change depending on weather conditions. The minimum profile depth must be 3 mm.
Studded tires are allowed from 15 October to 31 March. Depending on weather conditions (snow, sleet), this period can be extended from October 1 to April 30. Studded tires must be fitted to all wheels.
Anti slip chains
Requirements for the use of winter and studded tires in different European countries.
Recommended equipment and other rules
It is not necessary to have a reflective vest in the car, but it is forbidden to get out of the car without it being outside settlements at night.
It is recommended to have a set of spare bulbs, V-belt and spark plugs with you in your car.
The use of anti-radar is prohibited. A fine of 400 euros and confiscation of the device itself.