Vignette Bulgaria Price, where to buy, toll roads in Bulgaria, Payment of roads in Bulgaria online, Payment of dorviz for trucks Bulgaria, highways in Bulgaria
A motorway vignette is required in Bulgaria when driving motorways and on most first-class roads
. Vehicles weighing up to 3.5 tons must have a motorway mark, trucks over 3.5 tons and buses pay a toll, motorcycles must not have a mark.
Bulgarian vignettes are sold with one year, three months, one month and one week validity, in addition, a road vignette is available on weekends.

Road map in Bulgaria
In Bulgaria, since 2019, e-vignette and tolls have been introduced as a modern way of collecting tolls for the use of the republican road network.
In this way, the necessary financial resource is generated, which is subsequently used for the sustainable development of existing and new roads, including road safety.
The toll collection system is based on modern technologies that allow convenient methods of payment and control, while not interfering with the free movement of vehicles.
The system introduces a fair and European directive-based charging model.
From January 1, 2019, an electronic vignette is introduced in Bulgaria for the use of the republican road network. E-vignette prices remain unchanged for all vehicles. Since 2019, the Outgoing vignette for cars has also been introduced. With the entry into force of the e-vignette, there is no need to stick a paper vignette sticker on the windshield of the vehicle. When checking by control authorities on the road, owners and users of vehicles are not required to present a document certifying the purchase of a vignette.
In order to collect tolls, the Road Infrastructure Agency operates a toll collection system. System – a combination of technical means and procedures through which the sale, validation and control of the regulated use of the road network is carried out.
Do I need to buy an e-vignette for a trailer /caravan/ in Bulgaria?
When the total weight of the combination car+trailer/caravan exceeds 3.5 tons, it is obligatory to purchase a category 3 e-vignette for the trailer/caravan. The period of validity of a vignette for a trailer/caravan may differ from the period of validity of an e-vignette for a vehicle.
Do I need to have a paper copy of the document confirming the purchase of an e-vignette in Bulgaria?
Confirmation of payment of the vignette fee is carried out by the relevant regulatory authorities by checking the existence of a properly generated and valid electronic vignette in the electronic system in accordance with Art. 10a(5) of the Roads Act, and users are not required to present the electronic vignette issued by them or proof of payment when checking.
Paper vignettes, which are renewed in 2019, remain valid until their expiration date. The vignette sticker must remain affixed to the windshield until its expiration date so that it can be inspected by regulatory authorities.
In accordance with the Law on Highways:
Vignette duty is paid for the following vehicles with a total technically permissible maximum mass of up to or equal to 3.5 tons:
• vehicles with at least four wheels and intended for the carriage of passengers;
• vehicles with at least four wheels and intended for the carriage of goods;
• off-road vehicles.
Vehicles designed for semi-trailers are considered vehicles designed for the carriage of goods with more than 2 axles, regardless of the number of axles and whether a semi-trailer is coupled.
When a vehicle is driven with a trailer and when the total permissible technical mass of the train exceeds 3.5 tons, an additional vignette fee must be paid for the trailer for the same vehicle class.
In accordance with the Highway Law:
Vignette fee is not paid by persons with 50% or more of reduced working capacity, as well as persons or families who raise children with permanent disabilities until the age of 18 and completion of secondary education, but not older than 20 years age. These persons are issued a free electronic vignette valid for one year.
Vehicles with less than 4 wheels, as well as wheeled tractors, tractor trailers and other self-propelled machinery registered for work in accordance with the Law on Registration and Control of Agricultural and Forestry Machinery, do not pay a vignette fee.
Vehicles The Ministry of the Interior, the National Security Service, the State Agency for National Security, Emergency Medical Services and the Armed Forces also do not pay a vignette fee.
Which ways are covered by the e-vignette payment system in Bulgaria?
Decision of the Council of Ministers dated December 01, 2004 No. 945 approved the list of republican roads for which a fee for the use of road infrastructure is charged – vignette fee . vinetki.pdf
You can see the map of road sections for which an e-vignette is required here .
What happens if you drive without a vignette in Bulgaria?
If you have not paid the vignette for using the toll road network, then you are an offender and you will be fined.
Violations are detected through an electronic system, as well as through stationary and mobile cameras of the National Toll Collection Service on the road. Control over the payment of vignette fees will be carried out by the authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the Customs Agency, when the vehicle leaves the territory of Bulgaria through the border checkpoint.
Approximately 300 stationary cameras and 105 vehicles will operate on the roads of Bulgaria, which will check the license plates of the vehicle around the clock and check in the system whether the corresponding toll – electronic vignette – has been paid.
Control over the payment of the vignette fee will be carried out by the authorities of the National Toll Collection Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the Customs Agency, when the vehicle leaves the territory of Bulgaria through the border checkpoint.
No, the introduction of a compensation fee does not cancel fines.
All drivers, owners or users of vehicles using the toll road network without paying the appropriate toll and without paying the national road network toll (electronic vignette or toll) are violators and should be fined.
In the event of an offense, an act will be drawn up establishing an administrative offense, on the basis of which a fine decision will be issued, which determines the imposition of a fine.
If the driver refuses to pay the compensation fee, he will be charged an administrative violation fee equal to the compensation fee, and the driver will be given the opportunity to pay it by bank transfer within 14 days. If the driver does not pay the 14-day period, then a fine will come into force – for cars it is 300 levs, and for vehicles with a total technically permissible maximum mass of more than 3.5 tons – 1800 levs.
The driver, who has refused to pay the compensation fee, and who has drawn up an act of administrative violation, in order to drive further, must pay:
• for a passenger car – the cost of the outgoing vignette is 10 BGN;
• for a vehicle weighing more than 3.5 tons – must pay the cost of a weekly vignette and only then will be able to drive further. Payment is possible only by card.
If the offender pays the compensation fee upon establishing the violation or within 14 days after drawing up an act on an administrative offense, he is released from administrative liability and is not subject to a fine, the amount of which is much higher.
The compensation fee was introduced on January 31, 2017 in the Law on Highways, and by amendments to the Law on Road Traffic, which will be in force from the beginning of 2019, such a provision is provided to act as a mechanism for exemption from administrative liability for violations related to the use of a toll road network.
The possibility of voluntary payment of the compensation fee, on the one hand, seeks to increase the collection of fees for the use of the toll road network, and, on the other hand, the compensation fee allows the offender to pay the highest fee late and, thus, be exempt from the imposition of a fine and related measures.
The fee can be paid:
• when conducting a road inspection by the supervisory authorities of the National Toll Collection Service. It can be paid only and only with a card at the POS-terminal, which will be equipped with mobile teams of the so-called. road control
• It will be possible to pay in cash at border checkpoints, taking into account the fact that the respective vehicle can only leave the country after payment.
The user of the toll road network has the opportunity to pay the compensation fee both by bank transfer and at points of sale – in cash or by card.
During the check of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the road, it is impossible to pay a compensation fee on the spot.
If the driver refuses to pay the compensation fee, he will be charged an administrative violation fee equal to the compensation fee, and the driver will be given the opportunity to pay it by bank transfer within 14 days. If the driver does not pay the 14-day period, then a fine will come into force – for cars it is 300 levs, and for vehicles with a total technically permissible maximum mass of more than 3.5 tons – 1800 levs.
A driver who has refused to pay the compensation fee and who has an administrative violation report drawn up, in order to drive further, must pay:
- for a passenger car – the cost of the outgoing vignette is 10 BGN;
- for a vehicle weighing more than 3.5 tons – must pay the cost of a weekly vignette and only then will be able to drive further. Payment is possible only by card.
If the violator pays the compensation fee upon establishing the violation or within 14 days from the date of drawing up the act on establishing the administrative violation, then he is released from administrative responsibility, and he is not imposed a fine, the amount of which is much higher.
The fine can be paid by bank transfer.
Account of the National Administration for the payment of penalties through the bank
Entering the characters of the registration number of the vehicle when purchasing an electronic vignette or route card through a website, mobile application or self-access terminal must be done in both Latin and Cyrillic letters, provided that they visually completely match the characters in the registration number. When entering numbers, only letters and numbers are entered. Alphabetical letters of the registration number must be expressed in capital letters.
If the registration number contains a dash, period or space, they must not be entered. In exceptional cases, special alphabetic characters such as Ü, Ö, Ä, Č, Š, Ž, Ć, Đ must match exactly between the characters used in the respective position and the registration number of the respective vehicle.
The characters 0 (zero) and O (letter O) are not interchangeable. The digit of the number must be written using the digit 0 (zero) and the letter is “O” for letter.
Right | Wrong |
SV0000NR | SV 0000 NR |
About B0000W | OV 0000 VT |
VR0000RV | VR 0000 RV |
1AVS003 | 1 – ABC – 003 |
07D37058 | 07 . D. _ 37058 |
AA000AA | AA 000AA |
АÖSU700 | And about the SU700 |
LE059ŠN | LE059 S N |
0В0032ВТ | About B0032W |
When buying an e-vignette by bank, it takes technological time for the payment to be reflected, as in other cases of bank transfers. Therefore, drivers wishing to pay the e-vignette by bank transfer must do so at least three working days before the trip, and this period is valid only if the payment number is correctly written in the PAY payment order and, if the correct amount is transferred, calculated in PAY number.
In the purpose of payment in the payment order, you need to write only and only the 13-digit PAY code generated during the registration of the e-vignette /without intervals and other information/.
For example: PAY1901198888888
For each generated PAY code, a separate payment power of attorney is issued. Please note that payment orders are processed automatically, so the information must be filled in correctly.
As a recipient, you must write API or the Agency “Road Infrastructure”.
E-vignette payment by bank card or cash is displayed in the system within no more than five minutes. Those who have purchased an electronic vignette can check the authenticity of the vignette using the Vignette Verification button on the web page
Bank Transfer Instructions
When purchasing an e-vignette, the owner or user of the vehicle is responsible for filling in the correct information.
In part 3, article 5 of the Order on the conditions, procedure and rules for the construction and operation of a mixed system of payment for different categories of vehicles on the basis of time and distance traveled, it is written: “Responsibility for incorrectly declared data on the license plate of a vehicle, its category or period the vignette shall be borne by the owner or user, respectively, and in the case of incorrectly declared data, it is considered that the vignette fee has not been paid for the vehicle.”
The Agency “Road Infrastructure” and “National Road Administration” are not responsible for erroneously entered information.
When buying on the web page, at the self-service terminal and using the mobile application, the system requires the final step – verification of the entered data. Users purchasing an e-vignette are kindly requested to carefully review and verify the information they have entered before confirming the final payment.
• On the Internet at
• Via a mobile application
• Through self-payment terminals in retail outlets and regional road administrations of the Agency “Road Infrastructure”
• At the checkout, points of sale and regional road administrations of the Agency ” Road infrastructure“
When buying online from the website and through the mobile application, you can pay by card.
Payment in cash is possible only when buying an electronic vignette at the box office at points of sale and at the regional road administrations of the ADI. You can also pay by card at these points of sale, in particular with a fuel card.
Payment for the e-vignette can also be made by bank transfer. To do this, you must first purchase it on the website, and when making a bank transfer, enter the identification number of the generated e-vignette in the “Payment basis” field.
When purchasing an e-vignette on the website and in the mobile application, after the last step, a confirmation of a successful purchase is generated on the screen.
At the email address you provided, this same information will also be sent to your email address.
When purchasing an e-vignette at a point of sale or at an ADI regional road authority, as well as at a self-service terminal, a receipt will be generated for the purchased e-vignette.
This receipt, as well as the confirmation of a successful purchase, are non-verifiable in nature and you are not required to show them to the toll enforcement officers.
On the website www.bultoll.bgand at the self-service terminal, you can check the validity of the purchased e-vignette at any time.
When purchasing an electronic vignette, the person entering the data is responsible for filling in the correct information. When buying on the website , self-service terminal and mobile application, the system requires the final step of verifying the entered data. Users purchasing an e-vignette are kindly requested to carefully review and verify the entered information before confirming the final payment. The Agency “Road Infrastructure” and the National Toll Collection Service are not responsible for incorrectly entered information
According to the Value Added Tax Law, the fees (electronic vignette and tolls) are state duty, for which VAT is not charged.
The tariffs for electronic vignettes and tolls are the same, regardless of how they were purchased – on the website, from a mobile application, at a self-service terminal or at the box office at sales points and regional road administrations of the Road Infrastructure Agency “
An electronic message is a document imposing a fine or property sanction for a violation, which is the movement of a toll road network without payment of fees, established by the electronic system for collecting transport fees. Violations are generated by the evidentiary record.
An electronic message about the imposition of a fine is issued to the owner of the vehicle indicated in his registration documents.
It is issued both to owners of cars that the system has registered as violators – without a valid e-vignette – and to owners of vehicles weighing more than 3.5 tons that are operated without a previously purchased route card for specific toll sectors or do not have an accepted declaration of collection of tolls for a journey generated based on an on-board device or a GPS tracker.
The message must indicate the day and time of establishing the offense, the characteristics of the vehicle, its location and direction of movement, as well as the number of the control system from which the information entered the electronic system.
An electronic fine notice is a document imposing a fine or a property sanction for a violation – driving on a toll road network without paying a toll – vignette or toll established by the electronic toll collection system. Violations are generated by the evidentiary record.
An electronic message is issued to the owner of the vehicle indicated in his registration documents.
It is issued both to owners of passenger cars, which the system has notified as violators – without a valid electronic vignette – and to owners of vehicles weighing more than 3.5 tons, operated without a pre-purchased route card for specific toll sections or do not have an accepted declaration formed on the on-board device or GPS tracker.
The document must indicate the day and time of detection of the offense, the characteristics of the vehicle, its location and direction of movement, as well as the number of the control system from which the information entered the electronic system.
Within 14 days from the receipt of the e-mail, the owner of the vehicle may pay a compensation fee for using the road network without paying the toll. For cars with a carrying capacity of up to 3.5 tons, it is 70 leva, and for heavy trucks with a carrying capacity of more than 3.5 tons – respectively:
Freight vehicle over 3.5 t up to 12 t | BGN 150 | 77 euros |
Cargo vehicle with carrying capacity over 12 tons with 2-3 axles | BGN 450 | 230 euros |
Goods vehicle with a carrying capacity of more than 12 tons with four axles or more | BGN 750 | 383 euros |
TSP for the transport of passengers with more than 8 seats up to 12 tons | BGN 150 | 77 euros |
Passenger transport vehicle with more than 8 seats over 12 tons | BGN 150 | 77 euros |
If within 14 days from the date of receipt of the electronic message the compensation fee is not paid, including if the electronic message is disputed in court and confirmed by a court decision that has entered into force, the vehicle owner is liable in full of the said fine.
Despite the imposition of this administrative penalty, the owner of the vehicle is obliged to pay the corresponding fee. For vehicles with a carrying capacity of up to 3.5 tons, you must purchase a weekend vignette, and for the rest, you must pay the so-called maximum fee.
After the introduction of the toll collection system from March 1, 2020, heavy vehicles pay a fine of 1,800 Bulgarian leva if they drive on paid sections of the republican road network without paying a toll. In the event that false data on the characteristics of the road vehicle are indicated for this violation, the fine for individuals is 2500 Bulgarian levs or a property sanction in the same amount for legal entities.
An e-mail that has entered into force, for which a fine has not been paid, is sent to the state executor to collect the debt.
What happens if you drive without a vignette or without a route card/on-board unit in Bulgaria?
If you have not paid a vignette fee for paid sections of the republican road network (for road vehicles up to 3.5 tons) and you do not have a route map for the corresponding route or you do not use a valid on-board device or GPS tracker to record the distance traveled in toll ( for road vehicles over 3.5 tons, you are an offender and you will be fined.
Violations are detected through an electronic system, as well as through stationary and mobile cameras of the National Toll Collection Service on the road. Control over the payment of vignette fees is carried out by the authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the Customs Agency in cases where the vehicle leaves the territory of Bulgaria through the border checkpoint.
There are 295 stationary cameras and 105 cars on the roads of Bulgaria, which check the registration numbers of vehicles on a daily basis and check the availability of payment in the system – e-vignette or toll collection.
The compensation fee can be paid:
- when checking roads by the regulatory authorities of the National Toll Collection Service. The fee can only be paid by card at POS-terminals, which will be equipped with mobile traffic control teams.
- at border checkpoints it will be possible to pay in cash, taking into account the fact that the respective vehicle can only leave the country after payment.
During a road inspection by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is impossible to pay the compensation fee on the spot.
The compensation fee for cars is 70 BGN.
The Decree of the Ministry of the Council No. 24 of February 20, 2020 on the change in the Tariffs of the fees charged by the Agency “Road Infrastructure” regulates the following compensation fees for road vehicles with a total technically permissible maximum mass of more than 3.5:
Truck over 3.5 t up to 12 t | BGN 150 | 77 euros |
Truck over 12 t, 2-3 axles | BGN 450 | 230 euros |
Truck over 12 tons, 4 or more axles | BGN 750 | 383 euros |
DTS for transportation of passengers over 8 seats up to 12 tons | BGN 150 | 77 euros |
DTS for the transportation of passengers over 8 seats over 12 tons | BGN 150 | 77 euros |
If the driver refuses to pay the compensation fee when checking on the road, then an act of administrative violation is drawn up and handed over. After the delivery of the act, the offender again has the opportunity to pay the compensation fee by bank means within 14 days, indicating the number of the administrative violation act in the payment order. Thus, the offender is released from administrative liability for this violation and is not subject to a larger fine. In the event that the driver does not pay the compensation fee within 14 days, a decision on a fine is issued – for cars, the fine is 300 levs, and for vehicles with a total technically permissible maximum mass of more than 3.5 tons – 1800 levs.
The driver who refused to pay the compensation fee and in respect of whom an act of administrative violation was drawn up, in order to extend the route, must pay:
- for a passenger car – the cost of the outgoing vignette is 10 BGN;
- for vehicles weighing over 3.5 tons – the maximum toll collection and only then can he follow his route. Payment is possible only by card.
The fine can be paid by bank transfer.
Account of the National Toll Collection Service for payment of fines by bank
IBAN: BG50BNBG96613100165801
BNB Bank
Fines for using the toll road network without paid tolls range from BGN 300 for a passenger car to BGN 3,000 for heavy goods vehicles:
- A driver driving a passenger car on a toll road network is subject to a fine of BGN 300 for an unpaid vignette fee.
- A driver driving a heavy truck on a toll road network, in case of failure to fulfill the relevant duties such as: determining the distance traveled, or not paying the toll (route map or toll), is subject to a fine of 1,800 levs.
- The owner of a heavy truck for which the toll has not been fully or partially paid, including due to incorrectly declared data (technical characteristics of the road or road section), distance traveled, category of the road vehicle, number of axles and its environmental characteristics, is subject to a fine of 2,500 levs . The fine is imposed on the registered user of the road vehicle, if any. If the owner or registered user is a legal entity, he is subject to a property sanction in the amount of BGN 2500.
- When using the toll road network without a purchased vignette, if at the same time the registration number of the car is illegible or hidden in any way, the driver is subject to a fine of 500 levs.
- When using the toll road network by heavy trucks without a paid toll with an unreadable or hidden registration number in any way, the fine is 3000 levs.
Since 2019, a compensation fee has been introduced, according to which, upon establishing a violation, it is possible to voluntarily pay for the use of the road network without drawing up an act on an administrative violation and higher fines.
The compensation fee for cars is 70 BGN.
The Decree of the Ministry of the Council No. 24 of February 20, 2020 on the change in the Tariffs of the fees charged by the Agency “Road Infrastructure” regulates the following compensation fees for road vehicles with a total technically permissible maximum mass of more than 3.5:
Truck over 3.5 t up to 12 t | BGN 150 | 77 euros |
Truck over 12 t, 2-3 axles | BGN 450 | 230 euros |
Truck over 12 tons, 4 or more axles | BGN 750 | 383 euros |
DTS for transportation of passengers over 8 seats up to 12 tons | BGN 150 | 77 euros |
DTS for the transportation of passengers over 8 seats over 12 tons | BGN 150 | 77 euros |
If the driver refuses to pay the compensation fee when checking on the road, then an act of administrative violation is drawn up and handed over. After the delivery of the act, the offender can again pay the compensation fee within 14 days by bank, indicating the number of the protocol on administrative violation in the payment order. Thus, the offender is exempt from administrative punishment for this violation and is not subject to a higher fine. If the driver has not paid the compensation fee within 14 days, a case may be initiated against him for bringing to administrative responsibility, on the basis of which he is subject to a fine – for cars, the fine is 300 levs, and for road vehicles with a total technically permissible maximum mass over 3,
The driver who refused to pay the compensation fee and in respect of whom an administrative violation report was drawn up, in order to continue his journey, must pay:
- for a passenger car – the cost of a “weekend” vignette, which is 10 levs.
- for vehicles with a weight of more than 3.5 tons, the continuation of the journey is possible only after paying the maximum fee. Payment can only be made by card.
The maximum toll fee, in accordance with Article 29 of the Tariff of fees charged for the passage and use of the republican road network, adopted by Decree No. 370 of December 20, 2019 of the Ministerial Council is:
Road vehicles | In the rain | |
Truck over 3.5 tons – up to 12 tons | EURO VI, EEV | 27.00 |
EURO V | 27.00 | |
EURO III and IV | 34.00 | |
EURO 0, I, II | 48.00 | |
Truck over 12 tons, 2-3 axles | EURO VI, EEV | 71.00 |
EURO V | 82.00 | |
EURO III and IV | 102.00 | |
EURO 0, I, II | 146.00 | |
Truck over 12 tons, 4 or more axles | EURO VI, EEV | 119.00 |
EURO V | 133.00 | |
EURO III and IV | 167.00 | |
EURO 0, I, II | 242.00 | |
Road vehicles intended for the carriage of passengers with more than 8 seats, without a driver’s seat, up to 12 tons | EURO VI, EEV | 24.00 |
EURO V | 31.00 | |
EURO III and IV | 38.00 | |
EURO 0, I, II | 49.00 | |
Road vehicles intended for the carriage of passengers, more than 8 seats without a driver’s seat, over 12 tons | EURO VI, EEV | 24.00 |
EURO V | 31.00 | |
EURO III and IV | 38.00 | |
EURO 0, I, II | 49.00 |
Account of the National Toll Collection Service for payment of fines by bank
IBAN: BG50BNBG96613100165801
BNB Bank
Vignette and toll payments are controlled by officials of the National Toll Collection Service, the Ministry of the Interior, and the Customs Agency in cases where the vehicle leaves the territory of Bulgaria through the border checkpoint.
Price and validity of a motorway mark in Bulgaria
The price of the brand depends on the category of the vehicle. Road stamps are available for weekend, week, month, quarter and year.
All information about motorway brands and current events on Bulgarian roads can be found at . You can also check the validity of the vignette fee on the same website. During a roadside inspection, you do not need to show proof of motorway purchase.
Road vignettes for vehicles up to 3.5 tons
Cars up to 3.5 tons | Trailer for cars weighing up to 3.5 tons. | |
On weekend | 10 BGN | 10 BGN |
Weekly | 15 BGN | 15 BGN |
Lunar | 30 BGN | 30 BGN |
Three months | 54 BGN | 54 BGN |
Annual | 97 BGN | 97 BGN |
The weekend vignette is valid from 12:00 to Friday midnight.
If there is a trailer for a vehicle weighing up to 3.5 tons, a motorway mark is required if the total weight of the vehicle (with trailer) exceeds 3.5 tons. In this case, you must also buy a car brand for the trailer. The prices are the same as for a vehicle up to 3.5 tons. table.
Road signs for vehicles over 3.5 tons
From March 1, 2020, a toll will be charged for the use of Bulgarian roads for vehicles weighing more than 3.5 tons. Information about the fee can be found on the website .
You can buy a Route Pass when you tell the route in advance and pay before the start of the trip. It is suitable for short-term use of Bulgarian roads and motorways. You can buy a Route Pass online at , as well as a brand for cars weighing up to 3.5 tons.
The second way is to record the route using an on-board device or an already installed GPS tracker. You will enter into a contract with a national electronic toll service provider who will provide you with an on-board unit.
You can calculate the fee in advance using the calculator .
Where to buy a road vignette online in Bulgaria
The stamp can be purchased through self-service terminals at sales outlets and offices of the Road Infrastructure Agency, as well as at the box office and regional offices of the Road Infrastructure Agency. You can also purchase a motorway stamp from the BGTOLL app .
The easiest way to buy a Bulgarian vignette is online at .
Fines for unpaid motorway vignettes in Bulgaria
Drivers without a valid motorway toll in Bulgaria face a fine of 300 BGN for cars up to 3000 BGN for trucks.
Toll sections of motorways in Bulgaria
Some parts of the highways are open, the rest are just being completed.
- A1 Trakia Motorway: Sofia – Burgas
- Motorway A2 Hemus: Sofia – Varna
- Motorway A3 Struma: Sofia – Kulata / Promachonas (border with Greece)
- Motorway A4 Maritsa: Plovdiv – Svilengrad (border with Turkey and Greece)
- Motorway A5 Cherno More: Varna – Burgas
- Motorway A6 Lyulin: highway Sofia – Daskalovo – Struma
- Highway E 70: Chumen – Varna
- Motorway E 79: Botevgrad – Sofia
- Motorway E 80: Sofia – Plovdiv – Orizovo
Toll sections of first class roads in Bulgaria
- E70: Ruse – Chumen
- E79: Vidin – Botevgrad
- E79: Sofia – Round
- E80: Serbia – Kalotina – Sofia
- E80: Orezovo – Haskovo – Svilengrad – Kapitan Andreevo – Turkey
- E83: Byala – Pleven – Botevgrad
- E85: Ruse – Byala – Veliko Tarnovo – Stara Zagora – Haskovo
- E85: Svilengrad – Greece
- E87: Romania – Shabla – Varna – Burgas – Malko Tarnovo – Turkey
- E772: Yablanitsa – Veliko Tarnovo – Chumen
- E772: Popovitsa – Stara Zagora – Sliven – Burgas
- E871: Kyustendil – Gingerbread
Map of highways and toll roads in Bulgaria
You can find a map of highways and expressways at . A map of first-class roads is available here .
Sections are paid by a special fee
In Bulgaria, in addition to motorway tolls, there is a toll for crossing certain bridges and transporting a vehicle by ferry across the Danube. These are places at the border crossings with Romania.
Bridge and ferry tolls 2022
Cars up to 3.5 tons | |
Giurgiu-Ruse (bridge) | 3 € |
Vidin – Calafat (bridge) | 6 € |
Speed limit in Bulgaria
Speed limit for cars:
- City: 50 km / h
- Outside the city: 90 km / h
- On the track for motor vehicles (1st class): 120 km/h
- On the highway: 140 km / h
Speeding fines in Bulgaria
Bulgarian policemen like to fine foreigners. It often happens that you are stopped by a patrol and without confirmation of the measurement you will already be fined. This is certainly due to the high level of corruption in the EU. It also happens that they place a portable sign with a low maximum speed and a radar immediately behind it. Fines are collected after a few hundred meters further. However, this situation is also improving due to the country’s nationwide efforts to prosper, in particular due to the reduction of corruption.
Watch out for other drivers. They often drive while intoxicated, overtake, etc.
Speeding in a city in Bulgaria
up to 10 km/h: 20 BGN
11-20 km/h: 50 BGN
21-30 km/h: 100 BGN
31-40 km/h: 400 BGN
41-50 km/h: 600 BGN
over 51 km/h: 700 BGN and withdrawal of a driver’s license for 3 months, for every 5 km/h the fine increases by 50
Speeding outside the city in Bulgaria
up to 10 km/h: 20 BGN
11-20 km/h: 50 BGN
21-30 km/h: 100 BGN
31-40 km/h: 300 BGN
41-50 km/h: 400 BGN
over 51 km/h: 600 BGN, for every 5 km/h the fine increases by 50 BGN
Driving fines in Bulgaria
It is important that the fine should not be paid directly to the police officer on the spot, but only at the bank branch by bank transfer.
Driving through a red light – 50 BGN
Traveling with a child without a child car seat – 50 BGN
Driving without headlights on – 20 BGN
Driving while intoxicated – from 300 BGN to 2000 BGN
Driving without wearing seat belts – 50
BG driving – 50 BGN
Must equipment car in Bulgaria
- Auto first aid kit
- Reflective vest (also for motorcycles)
- warning triangle
- Fire extinguisher (except motorcycles)
Drivers and passengers of motorcycles, mopeds and ATVs must wear a crash helmet.
In Bulgaria, winter tires are mandatory from 15 November to 1 March. The minimum tread depth must be at least 4 mm.
The use of a snow chain is only permitted if the weather conditions require it. Studded tires are not allowed.
Failure to comply with the mandatory rules entails a fine of 50
Seat belts
The use of seat belts is mandatory for all vehicle occupants. However, there are exceptions for:
- pregnant women
- persons whose physical condition does not allow the use of seat belts
- taxi drivers when transporting passengers
- driving school instructors drive a car for the purpose of learning
Children in the car
Children under 12 years old and under 150 cm must use a child seat of the appropriate weight and age.
At the same time, children under 12 and 150 cm are not allowed to be transported in the front seat, even in a child seat.
Alcohol while driving
The maximum legal blood alcohol level in Bulgaria is 0.5 ppm.
Driving under the influence of alcohol is punishable by severe penalties.
from 0.5 to 1.2 ‰
- novice drivers up to 2 years – a fine from 300 BGN to 600 BGN and deprivation of a driver’s license for 12 months, for a repeated violation a fine from 1000 BGN to 2000 BGN and deprivation of a driver’s license for 3 years
- drivers with more than 2 years of experience – a fine from 200 BGN to 500 BGN and deprivation of a driver’s license for 12 months, for a repeated violation a fine from 1000 BGN to 2000 BGN and deprivation of a driver’s license for 3 years
over 1.2‰
- Up to 2 years in prison and a heavy fine
refusal to be tested for alcohol or narcotics
- a fine from 500 BGN to 1000 BGN and deprivation of a driver’s license for 12-18 months