Tolls in Belgium Price of autoboats in Belgium, toll sections in Belgium, information for drivers in Belgium
- Motorways in Belgium are free for cars and motorcycles
- Trucks weighing more than 3.5 tons pay fees through the ViaPass system
- The Lifkenshuk Tunnel in Antwerp is toll-free for all vehicles.

Pay in Belgium
Belgian motorways are free for drivers of motorcycles, cars and other vehicles weighing up to 3.5 tons. Only the passage of the Lifkenshuk tunnel in Antwerp is paid.
Belgium has introduced the ViaPass satellite toll collection system for trucks over 3.5 tonnes. All trucks over 3.5 tons must be equipped with an on-board system (OBU) that pays per kilometer on toll roads and motorways.
The amount of the fee depends on the region, vehicle weights, road type and emission class. The full price list can be found on the website of the ViaPass payment system .

Road tolls in Belgium
OBUs for vehicles over 3.5 tons are offered by several accredited suppliers: AS24 , Axxes , Eurotoll , Satellic , Telepass and Toll4Europe. Some work only in Belgium, others deal with payments in other European countries.
Each of these system operators offer different terms and conditions as well as a different payment system, tolls can be settled at a fixed rate in the form of a prepaid fare and billed based on actual kilometers driven.
An electronic online toll system for vehicles over 12 tonnes is provided by Eurovignette . To travel through Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark and Sweden, you only need one real Eurovignette.
Motorways in Belgium
Motorway network in Belgium
- A1 Brussels – Antwerp – Netherlands
- A2 Leven – Netherlands
- A3 Brussels – Leuven – Liege – Germany
- A4 Brussels – Namur – Luxembourg
- A7 Brussels – Mons – France
- A8 Halle – Tournai – France
- A10 Brussels – Ghent – Bruges – Ostend
- A11 Antwerp – Zealot
- A12 Brussels-Antwerp-Netherlands
- A13 Antwerp – Hasselt – Liege
- A14 Antwerp – Ghent – France
- A15 La Louviere – Namur – Liège
- A16 Mons – Tournai
- A17 Brugge – Tournai
- A18 Bruges – France
- A19 Kortrijk – Ypres
- A21 Antwerp – Turnhout – Netherlands
- A25 Liege – Netherlands
- A26 Liege – Nefshato
- A27 Batis – Germany
- A28 Aubagne – France
- A54 Level – Charleroi
Motorway map in Belgium
An approximate map of highways can be found on Wikipedia , a more detailed map is offered by . Detailed maps of individual regions are available here.
Areas subject to a special fee
In Belgium, only the Lifkeshoek Tunnel in Antwerp is charged, the fee depends on the height of the vehicle and the method of payment. The use of the automatic Teletol system is subject to a minimum annual cost of 50 euros.
Lifkenshuk Tunnel Toll
Cash | bank card | Teletol | |
Category 1 (height< 3 m) | 6 € | € 4.95 | € 3.56 |
Category 2 (height ≥ 3 m) 06:01 – 21:59 | 19 € | € 17.60 | € 14.16 |
Category 2 (height ≥ 3 m) 22:00 – 06:00 | 6 € | € 4.95 | 3.56 |
Speed limit in Belgium
- in built-up areas 50 km/h
- other roads outside the built-up area 90 km/h
- on highways 120 km / h
Fines in Belgium
Passenger cars for non-payment of fare are not fined. However, in Belgium, traffic rules must be strictly observed. If the speed exceeds 10 km/h for incorrect parking, a fine of 55 € is provided, if you exceed the speed limit by more than 20 km/h, the fine reaches 150 €
Speeding fines in Belgium
The level of fines in Belgium is very high, according to local authorities, for precautionary reasons. A lot has been invested in radar equipment lately, which is now in the least expected places. For example, it is customary to place the radar a short distance from the end-of-town sign or at motorway exits.
Fine payment forms are sent out automatically, so a curious case with a driver who had to pay a fine of 696 km / h! Of course, it was a malfunction and thanks to the automatic distribution, this did not seem strange to anyone.
You don’t have to worry about meeting a police patrol – they are polite and condescending. They just demand respect and decency. There are a number of cases when police officers even during a scheduled roadside check fined an official for insulting him.
Speeding in residential areas of Belgium
1-10 km/h: 50 €
11-20 km/h: from 60 € to 150 €
21-30 km/h: from 205 € to 250 €
above 31 km/h: from 55 € to 2750 €, withdrawal possible driving license for a period of 8 days to 5 years
Speeding elsewhere in Belgium (in the countryside, outside the city, on the highway)
1-10 km/h: 50 €
11-30 km/h: from 60 € to 150 €
31-40 km/h: from 205 € to 250 €
above 41 km/h: from 55 € to 2750 €, extractable driving license for a period of 8 days to 5 years
Penalties for driving a car and Belgium
In Belgium, traffic fines are divided into four stages, with the first stage comprising the lightest offenses and the fourth the most serious.
The minimum fine for violation of the first stage is 58 €, for violation of the second stage 116 €, the third degree 165 € and 473 € for the violation of the fourth stage. You will always be sued for a fourth degree violation.
You can usually just pay the fine on the spot at a reduced rate. If several violations are detected at the same time, the total amount cannot exceed 866 €. This applies to violations that can be eliminated on the spot.
The amounts are indicative and in practice may be higher or lower depending on the circumstances in which the offense was committed.
Passing a red light – from 174 € and possible driving ban Driving under the influence
of alcohol – from 179 € to 1260 € and driving ban from 3 hours to 5 years
8 days to 5 years Driving
through a solid line – from 174 €
Driving without wearing seat belts – from
116 €
Mandatory car equipment in Belgium
Warning triangle
Fire extinguisher – mandatory for Belgian registered vehicles, recommended for foreign vehicles
First aid kit – mandatory for Belgian registered vehicles, recommended for foreign vehicles
Reflective vest – for Belgian registered vehicles, reflective vest mandatory for all who is in the vehicle, for foreign vehicles is mandatory only for drivers
Safety helmet – mandatory for motorcycle drivers, on motorcycles from 50 cc protective clothing is mandatory: gloves, jacket with long sleeves, trousers with long trousers and boots with ankle protection
In Belgium, winter tires are optional and only allowed from 1 October to 30 April.
However, they are recommended in winter conditions. The minimum tread depth should be 1.6mm, but a minimum of 4mm is recommended.
The use of chains on wheels is only permitted if the road is covered with snow or ice.
Use of seat belts in Belgium
The use of seat belts is mandatory in all seats, if any.
Children in the car
Children must be carried in an appropriate child restraint up to a height of 135 cm. Children from 3 to 135 cm must not be carried in the front seat or restraint system.
You can be fined for incorrectly securing a child in a car ₴4,318.
Drinking alcohol while driving in Belgium
Drivers of cars or motorcycles are allowed 0.5‰ blood alcohol. The amount of the fine for driving while intoxicated is calculated in accordance with the measured amount of alcohol in the blood in ppm:
From 0.5 ‰ to 0.8 ‰: from 179 € and driving ban for 3 hours
From 0.8 ‰ to 1.0 ‰: 420 € and driving ban from 6 hours to 15 days
From 1.0 ‰ to 1 .2 ‰: 578 € and a driving ban from 6 hours to 15 days
More than 1.2 ‰: 1260 € at the request of the prosecutor from 1600 € to 16000 € and / or a driving ban from 8 days to 5
years an immediate ban on driving for 15 days. At the request of the prosecutor, a fine from 3,000 € to 4,000 € and a ban on driving for a period of 3 months to 5 years.
daytime running lights
Daytime running lights are optional for car drivers in Belgium. The low beam should only be switched on when visibility is reduced.