Riding in Andorra

The total length of roads is 269 km. Roads with a hard surface – 198 km, unpaved – 71 km.

There are no motorways in Andorra. There are two main roads from Andorra la Vella: CG-1 to the Spanish border and CG-2 to the French border through the Envalira tunnel.

Toll roads

There are no toll roads in Andorra. However, you will come across the Envalira Tunnel toll road in Andorra.

Envalir Tunnel Fee

The Envalira Tunnel runs between the Pas de la Casa near the French border and the famous ski area of ​​Grau Roig. The length of the tunnel is 2879 meters. The deepest point of the tunnel is 2043 meters, the highest point is 2054 meters. This is one of the highest tunnels in Europe.

The Envalira Tunnel has two lanes (one in each direction) and a maximum speed of 40 to 70 km/h.

Travel 2021:

Tolls in the Envalira Tunnel in Andorra
 2- or 3-wheeled vehicles (motorcycles, sidecars)– –– –4.10 euros
 Light vehicles (car+trailer)Up to 2 m in height,
up to 3500 kg
Up to 36.80 euros
 Medium vehicles (vans, light vehicles+trailers)From 2 to 3 m in height,
up to 3500 kg.
2 or more12.00 euros
 Heavy vehicles and busesMore than 3 m in height,
more than 3500 kg.
213.70 euros
 Heavy vehicles and busesMore than 3 m in height,
more than 3500 kg.
3 or more17.10 euros

Residents and employees of Pas de la Cassa enjoy a 50% discount on the standard rate.

Parking in Andorra

It is recommended to park in specially designated areas or in the parking lot.

You can park on the street. However, be aware of local signs/restrictions as parking fees are easily charged. If your car parks unsafely, it will be towed.

All parking places in Andorra la Vella are paid. Parking on the street is free only on Sundays and public holidays.

Parking in Andorra is divided into two zones (zone 1 and 2). Zone 1 is shown in blue and zone 2 in green.

Parking fee in Andorra:

Parking fee in Andorra
 blue zoneGreen Zone
Pay timeMonday – Saturday

9:00 – 13:00
15:00 – 20:00
Monday – Saturday

9:00 – 13:00
15:00 – 20:00
Is freeSunday and national holidaysSunday and national holidays
Minimum time15 minutes
30 minutes
Max Time2 hours 30 minutes
(2.50 euros)
5 hours
price per hour1.00 euros0.50 euros

Violation of the parking rules in the blue or green zones – a fine of 12 euros.

Parking at a bus stop, pedestrian crossing, on the sidewalk or in a parking lot for the disabled without a permit – a fine of 30 euros.

Road map of Andorra

Traffic rules in Andorra

Speed ​​limit

Standard speed limits in Andorra (unless otherwise indicated on the signs).

Cars (up to 3.5 tons) and motorcycles:

  • construction – 50 km / h
  • outside settlements – 90 km/h

Vehicles (up to 3.5 tons) with trailers:

  • construction – 50 km / h
  • outside settlements – 90 km/h

The current speed limits for cars on the roads of European countries.


The maximum allowable blood alcohol content is     0.5‰     .

If the blood alcohol content exceeds the allowed limit, a fine is imposed:

  • from 0.5 ‰ to 0.8 ‰ – 150 €
  • from 0.81 ‰ to 1.2 ‰ – 300 €
  • over 1.2 ‰ – 600 € and suspend driving license for 3 months

If a driver refuses to take a blood alcohol test, he will be fined 300 euros and lose his driver’s license for 3 months.

Driving while intoxicated is punishable by a fine of 600 euros and deprivation of a driver’s license for 3 months.

The maximum alcohol limit for drivers in Europe.

dipped beam

Low beam headlights are optional for daytime driving and mandatory for night driving. When visibility is poor due to bad weather, low beam headlights should be switched on.

In case of discrepancy – 30€.

In which European countries is the use of dipped beam during the day mandatory?

Children in cars

Children under 10 years old and under 1.5 m cannot ride in the front or back seat as passengers unless they use the appropriate child safety locks.

A child under 3 years of age must not be transported in a car without a child seat/seat, and the airbag must be turned off.

Child seats must comply with UNECE Regulation No. 44 – Uniform Provisions for the Approval of Restraints for Children in Electrically Powered Vehicles (“Child Restraints”).

In case of non-compliance – 90 €.

Seat belts

Seat belts are    mandatory    for both front and rear passengers.

Non-compliance – 20 euros for each uncovered passenger

Using a mobile phone in Andorra

The use of a mobile phone while driving is limited to the use of a hands-free device.

Failure to comply – 20 euros.

When driving a vehicle, it is forbidden to wear devices that can make noise (talk, music, radio) in your ear. The fine is 60 euros.

Penalties for using a mobile phone while driving in European countries.

Window tinting  in Andorra

It is forbidden to limit the visibility of the windshield and side glass of the vehicle in order to reduce their transparency.

The degree of light transmission of the glass must comply with UNECE regulation No. 43 “Uniform provisions for the approval of: safe glazing materials and their installation in vehicles” – 75% for wind or 70% for side.

A fine of 60 euros – for the windshield and 30 euros – or side.

Fines in Andorra

Police officers in Andorra have the power to issue fines on the spot and issue a receipt for payment.

Traffic fines in Andorra:

Road fines in Andorra
violationfine (EUR)
Doesn’t make room for the bus20 €
Speeding for no good reason30 €
Sudden slowdown or stop when the traffic situation does not require it60 €
Stop at a crosswalk or intersection60 €
Unauthorized use of sound and light warning signals60 €
Failure to comply with the appropriate speed limits depending on the road and visibility conditions60 €
Tail90 €
Error signal before turning or changing lanes90 €
Overtaking injury150 €
dangerous driving300 euro

Fines in  Andorra

Express fines in Andorra
violationfine (EUR)
up to 10 km / h12 euros
11-20 km / h24 euros
21-30 km / h42 euros
31-40 km / h60 €
41-50 km / h90 €
51-60 km / h120 euros
61-70 km / h180 euros
over 70 km/h240 euros

Useful information about driving in Andorra

Fuel prices

Andorra has leaded petrol (98), unleaded petrol (95 and 98) and diesel. No gas station (liquefied propane).

Emergency numbers in Andorra

  • European emergency number – 112
  • Fire – 118
  • Police – 110
  • Ambulance – 116

A must-have in your car in Andorra

  • Replaceable light bulbs
  • warning triangle
  • Reflective jacket
  • Spare wheel with tools needed to change it

Driving without accessories – fine 30€.

Winter equipment in Andorra

Winter tires

The use of winter tires in Andorra is mandatory if the weather conditions are favorable (the road is completely or partially covered with snow or ice).

Police officers have the right to prohibit the movement of vehicles whose tires do not meet winter traffic conditions and may be dangerous for other road users.

If the vehicle is not equipped with winter tires in such conditions, the perpetrator will be fined 180 euros.

Studded tires

The use of studded tires    is permitted    from November 1 to May 15 annually. The use of studded tires at other times incurs a fine of 60 euros.

Chains against snow

Snow chains should be used when road conditions require it or when a proper sign is posted. It is forbidden to use counterhorn chains when there is no snow or ice on the road.

Driving on chains against snow when the road is clear of snow or ice – 60 euros.

Requirements for the use of winter and studded tires in different European countries.

Additional equipment and other regulations in Andorra

It is recommended to have a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit in the car.

Particular attention should be paid to “Caution: zebra” signs without traffic lights in cities and outside cities.

It is recommended to avoid driving at night as domestic and wild animals often drive on dirt roads.